Carnivores Wiki
Infobox weapon
{{{c1_shots}}} shots
Rank {{{c1_rank}}}
Power {{{c1_power}}}
Precision {{{c1_prec}}}
Volume {{{c1_loud}}}
Rate of fire {{{c1_rate}}}
Carnivores 2
{{{c2_shots}}} shots
Cost {{{c2_cost}}} Credits
Power {{{c2_power}}}
Precision {{{c2_prec}}}
Volume {{{c2_loud}}}
Rate of fire {{{c2_rate}}}
Carnivores Ice Age
{{{c2_shots}}} shots
Cost {{{cia_cost}}} Credits
Power {{{cia_power}}}
Precision {{{cia_prec}}}
Volume {{{cia_loud}}}
Rate of fire {{{cia_rate}}}
v · d · e
Template-info Documentation
{{Infobox weapon
| c1_description  = 
| c1_shots        = 
| c1_rank         = 
| c1_power        = 
| c1_prec         = 
| c1_loud         = 
| c1_rate         = 

| c2_description  = 
| c2_shots        = 
| c2_cost         = 
| c2_power        = 
| c2_prec         = 
| c2_loud         = 
| c2_rate         = 

| cia_description = 
| cia_shots       = 
| cia_cost        = 
| cia_power       = 
| cia_prec        = 
| cia_loud        = 
| cia_rate        = 